"You Break it...We Mend It"


You are not alone.You are not alone.

You are not alone.

About Us

About Us

— Dr. Rose Williams - Trichologists
Hi there! My name is Rose. I am a certified trichologist, master cosmetologist, and beauty service educator for over 30 years. I am an external assessor for the National Council for Technical Vocational education and Training (NCTVET). I hold a doctoral degree in professional cosmetology, and trichology certification from the American Medical Certification Association. Your Developer of Hair Doctor, the number 1 hair and scalp restoration products!
What is Trichology?

What is Trichology?

Trichology is the scientific study of disorders of the hair and scalp. Trichology was founded, and established in London England in 1902. What are some problems trichologist help with? Excessive hair loss from the scalp. Severe breakage. Bald patches. Itching and excessive scaling of the scalp.
Think of a trichologist as a hair, and scalp detective. They look for clues based on hair loss patterns, blood test results, genetics, and symptoms associated with your scalp condition to recommend the cause, and possible treatments. You should see a Trichologist when you have problems with hair breakage, hair loss, or other disorders concerning your hair and scalp. Trichologists can help treat these problems if it falls within their scope to do so. Trichologists are not doctors, and can not prescribe medication if you should need it for your scalp problem.


Testimonials  - #1
A. Chambers
I had my first trichology appointment with Dr. Rose Williams, and immediately as I sat down, I felt so at ease. Rose is very professional, very engaging, and extremely knowledgeable. I would highly recommend her. After only a couple of months, I already have regrowth, and I am excited to see what the future holds now we have a treatment plan works – I can’t thank her enough!

Keep in Touch

Come to visit us in happy hours, we are always glad to serve our customers.
Our address
Shop #130 City Center Mall, Montego Bay
Open hours
Tuesdays - Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM